Watch These Adorable Fruit-Hat-Wearing Cats Ring Bells For Food
You’ve heard of Pavlov’s dogs; now check out Pavlov’s kittens
Everybody loves a cute cat video—especially when the cats in question are wearing hats that look like food. The Japanese Twitter account @b_ru_ru has been posting some seriously "aww"-inspiring videos of food-hat-clad cats ringing silver bells and being rewarded with treats.
Despite the language barrier (and Google Chrome’s less-than-stellar page translator) these videos of classically conditioned kitties can be universally enjoyed. We here at SAVEUR are hoping to get these food-loving felines in for an interview, as we have a few pressing questions. What sort of hats can we expect in the future? When will these kitties be going on tour? Is that cat food organic? We’ll keep you posted, and let you know when we have some answers. But for now, enjoy these cute videos as much as the cats in them are enjoying their food.
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