Video: Homemade Hanukkah Gelt with Sprinkles
Use homemade rose sprinkles to make gelt that’s fit for a high-stakes dreidel game.
Lovers of the dreidel game and appreciators of good chocolate can finally rejoice, for Hanukkah gelt no longer needs to be plain jane disks of cheap milk chocolate. Watch this video to see how Molly Siegler, Whole Foods food editor, and I up the Hanukkah ante using homemade rose sprinkles to make gelt that's fit for a high stakes dreidel game.
Molly Yeh runs my name is yeh where recipes draw inspiration from her Jewish and Chinese heritage, her '90s Chicago suburban upbringing, her years spent in New York, and her new Midwestern farm life. In 2015, my name is yeh won the SAVEUR Blog Awards for Blog of the Year and Readers' Choice for Best Baking and Desserts.
Throughout this fall and winter, SAVEUR and Whole Foods Market® are partnering with Blog Awards winners and finalists to share their culinary exploits from discovering new beers and sparkling wines to meeting local farmers and foragers.
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