RecipesMenu: An Elegant French-Inspired ThanksgivingThe MenuPissaladieresGougeresOysters in Champagne SauceRoasted RadishesHerbed Haricot VertsGalette de Pomme de TerreRoasted Squash with Sage Bread CrumbsSage-Brined Roast Turkey with Oyster DressingCranberries with PortFennel, Sunchoke, and Apple SaladGuy Savoy's Pumpkin PieApple TartMore About This MenuAnchovy onion mini tartsKeep ReadingCapirotada (Mexican Bread Pudding)By SAVEUR EDITORSArroz Con PolloBy KIERA WRIGHT-RUIZPlátano Maduro Asado Con Queso (Roasted Plantains With Cheese)By KIERA WRIGHT-RUIZCorn and Potato TaquitosBy KIERA WRIGHT-RUIZBizcocho Dominicano (Dominican Cake)By VILMA LOPEZZeppole di San GiuseppeBy NICK MALGIERISfinci di San GiuseppeBy CINDY SALVATOBeef Kachila-Stuffed Shishito PeppersBy MAYANK ISTWALIrish CoffeeBy CATHAL ARMSTRONGSee AllContinue to Next StoryADVERTISEMENTADAD