Recipe Comix: The Updated Noonday Reviver
"Draw us a recipe." That's the brief we sent to a dozen of our favorite comic artists earlier this year; each week this summer, we're thrilled to present what they sent back. They're fantastic, beautiful, hilarious, thoughtful, informative, and often all of the above — and they prove that a recipe doesn't just have to be words on paper. (Take a look at previous weeks' comics in the archive.)
This week: Emily Horne, co-proprietor of the online photo comic A Softer World, where everyday snapshots display their wry, biting, and occasionally tender side thanks to clever captions. Here, she delivers a friend's update on Kingsley Amis's famous booze-bomb, the Noonday Reviver.

Emily Horne is the Toronto-based co-proprietor of the online photo comic A Softer World.
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