Recipe Comix: Candy-Crammer Christmas Cookies

"Draw us a recipe." That's the brief we sent to a slew of our favorite comic artists; each week, we're thrilled to present what they sent back. The resulting works of art are fantastic, beautiful, hilarious, thoughtful, informative, and often all of the above — and they prove that a recipe doesn't just have to be words on paper. See all the Recipe Comix published so far in the archive »

This week's Recipe Comic comes from Karl Heitmueller Jr., a New Jersey-based cartoonist (who's also a writer, illustrator, and bartender) with a serious Christmas cookie tradition: The classic Toll House recipe gets beefed up with extra chocolate chips, extra other chips, and plenty of candy, for what's sure to be a very, very sweet holiday.

Candy-Crammer Christmas Cookies
Candy-Crammer Christmas Cookies

This comic is dedicated to Karl Heitmueller Sr., who had an incorrigible sweet tooth.

Newark, New Jersey-based writer/illustrator/cartoonist/bartender Karl Heitmueller Jr. has been published by such diverse outlets as DC Comics' Paradox Press, Warner Bros. Records, GEEK Magazine, Oxygen Media, BACK ISSUE! Magazine,, THE BIG TAKEOVER Magazine and many more. He is currently trying to finish his book, _Collector's Edition: Confessions of a Pop Culture Obsessive Compulsive before hard media becomes obsolete. Samples of his art (and links to other ramblings) can be found at toughguygoods.com_


Recipe Comix: Candy-Crammer Christmas Cookies

"Draw us a recipe." That's the brief we sent to a slew of our favorite comic artists; each week, we're thrilled to present what they sent back. The resulting works of art are fantastic, beautiful, hilarious, thoughtful, informative, and often all of the above — and they prove that a recipe doesn't just have to be words on paper. See all the Recipe Comix published so far in the archive »

This week's Recipe Comic comes from Karl Heitmueller Jr., a New Jersey-based cartoonist (who's also a writer, illustrator, and bartender) with a serious Christmas cookie tradition: The classic Toll House recipe gets beefed up with extra chocolate chips, extra other chips, and plenty of candy, for what's sure to be a very, very sweet holiday.

Candy-Crammer Christmas Cookies
Candy-Crammer Christmas Cookies

This comic is dedicated to Karl Heitmueller Sr., who had an incorrigible sweet tooth.

Newark, New Jersey-based writer/illustrator/cartoonist/bartender Karl Heitmueller Jr. has been published by such diverse outlets as DC Comics' Paradox Press, Warner Bros. Records, GEEK Magazine, Oxygen Media, BACK ISSUE! Magazine,, THE BIG TAKEOVER Magazine and many more. He is currently trying to finish his book, _Collector's Edition: Confessions of a Pop Culture Obsessive Compulsive before hard media becomes obsolete. Samples of his art (and links to other ramblings) can be found at toughguygoods.com_

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