Welcome to Scandinavian Candy Paradise
At New York’s Sockerbit, sweets aren’t just a snack—they’re a portal to a beloved family tradition
One of the world's greatest words may be lördagsgodis—"Saturday candy" in Swedish. It refers not just to a food (in this case smågodis, or "little sweets), but also a tradition—that of kids heading over to the candy store on Saturdays to fill up paper bags with as many candies as they can. Really, it's a frame of mind. Saturday morning cartoons, meet Saturday candy.
You don't need to visit Sweden for your taste of lördagsgodis. If you're in New York, head on over to Sockerbit, a pristine white-walled minimalist space devoted to Scandy candy in every color of the rainbow. That includes rabarberbitar, the rhubarb-flavored gummy that dreams are made of, and of course the sinister salty bite of salmiak, a.k.a. salt licorice. See more essential Scandinavian sweets in the video above, and if you like what you see but aren't near New York, good news: Sockerbit ships all over.
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