CultureVisual Pantry: Issue 113Orange bitters ($3.99 for a 4-ounce bottle) available from Wally¿s (888/992-5597; ($1.25 for a 1-ounce package), from VineTree Orchards (800/936-5128; miso, or white miso ($8.63 for a 12.1-ounce package), from Eden Organic (888/424-3336; www.edenfoods .com).Pickling spices ($1.50 for a 1-ounce package), from World Spice Merchants (206/682-7274; miso ($7.43 for a 12.1-ounce package), from Eden Organic (888/424-3336; www.edenfoods .com).ADVERTISEMENTADADFrench mandoline ($69.99) from Oxo (800/545-4411;; ask for a "mandoline").Jar lifter ($4.99) can be found at the Canning Pantry (800/285-9044; & Humbert Dry Sack 15 Year Sweet Old Oloroso contact Kindred Spirits (305/919-9911).Hidalgo La Gitana Manzanilla contact Classical Wines (206/297-6713).Lustau Solero Reserva Palo Cortado Peninsula contact Michael Skurnik Wines (516/677-9300).Keep ReadingChristina Tosi Isn’t Keeping Her “Dirty Dessert” a Secret AnymoreBy ALYSE WHITNEYPortland’s Top 12 Culinary SouvenirsBy SARAH WEINERLocals-Only Las Vegas: A Chef’s Secret Culinary GuideBy SAVEUR EDITORSThe 8 Las Vegas Food Spots One Momofuku Chef Can’t Live WithoutBy SAVEUR EDITORSWhere to Eat in Las Vegas, According to an In-the-Know Nobu ChefBy SAVEUR EDITORS11 Astonishing Food Facts From Irish Culinary HistoryBy JESSICA CARBONEIn New York City’s East Village, Feeding the Community Is More Urgent Than EverBy SHANE MITCHELLThese Chefs Want You to Pay Attention to Afro Brazilian FoodBy KAYLA STEWARTColorful, Eye-Catching Cocktail Glasses Are Everywhere. Here Are Our 6 FavoritesBy MADISON TRAPKINSee AllContinue to Next StoryADVERTISEMENTADAD