TechniquesSashimi with Chef MorimotoUsing a single, smooth, backwards motion, Chef Morimoto slices 1/4"-pieces of tuna loin for his tuna rose.Chef Morimoto slices and lays out the tuna sashimi in an overlapping arch.The slices of tuna layed out in preparation for rolling a tuna rose.Chef Morimoto rolls the tuna slices starting from the left towards the right to make the tuna rose.Chef Morimoto trims the pointed edges on one side of the tuna rose to create a smooth surface.ADVERTISEMENTADADChef Morimoto's finished tuna rose.Chef Morimoto demonstrates proper slicing technique by beginning each cut with the heel of the knife blade.Chef Morimoto slices thick rectangles of tuna loin for sashimi.Chef Morimoto stacks the sashimi slices together.Chef Morimoto demonstrates the yanagi's ability to slice vertically in a single downward motion, starting at the heel of the blade.ADVERTISEMENTADADChef Morimoto's finished sashimi plate: his tuna rose, sashimi slices, and garnish of cucumber-fish scales.Keep ReadingGrand Royal FizzBy ANNE PETITOSouth Indian-Style Filter CoffeeBy MEHER MIRZARava Upma (Savory Semolina Porridge)By MEHER MIRZAKaldou (Red Snapper With Onions and Lemon)By JESSICA B. HARRISPozol de Cacao (Chocolate Corn Drink)By RICARDO HERNÁNDEZ ARELLANOBean Dobladas With Amaranth and OnionsBy CLAUDIA SÁNTIZSopa de Chipilín With Masa DumplingsBy CLAUDIA SÁNTIZTamales de ChipilínBy RICARDO HERNÁNDEZ ARELLANOPapaya Verde en Escabeche (Pickled Green Papaya)By INGRID MERARY RODRÍGUEZ LUNASee AllContinue to Next StoryADVERTISEMENTADAD