How to Pitch SAVEUR
Have a story idea? Go ahead, shoot your shot—keeping these pointers in mind.

At SAVEUR, we aim to broaden readers’ perspectives on food through rigorous, lively, and culturally sensitive journalism. Our favorite stories don’t just report or explain—they have a thesis and move conversations forward. Additionally, they often:
- Unearth and celebrate off-the-beaten-path recipes and food traditions with a strong sense of place.
- Center historically marginalized cultures with care and reverence—and without exoticization.
- Spotlight everyday cooks and neighborhood chefs doing extraordinary things.
- Offer a fresh, thought-provoking point of view that takes non-food topics into account including art, politics, fashion, and literature.
For us, food is the lens through which a larger story is told—not the story itself.
General Guidelines:
- First, take a beat: Has SAVEUR or another publication covered the topic before? If not, terrific; if so, what’s special about your angle? Tell us where on the website you envision your piece living. (Bonus points if you link to a SAVEUR story that follows a format similar to the one you’re proposing.)
- Write “JOURNALIST PITCH: [topic]” as your subject line.
- Limit yourself to, at most, two story ideas.
- Introduce yourself: What’s your story, where are you based, and for whom have you written in the past? Why are you uniquely qualified to cover this topic? Unpublished writers are welcome to contact us (but no résumés, please). We accept neither stories written on spec nor ones that have been published elsewhere.
- Always propose a sample title and subtitle—think irresistibly clickable (but not clickbait-y).
- Write the pitch as if you were writing an article. It should give us a sense of your voice, point of view, and overall wordsmithery. A great pitch has a frisson of tension, suspense, urgency. And it conveys a sense of discovery. We seldom report straight news, so what’s your take?
- Be sure to answer the questions, “Why now?” and “Who cares?” by providing context (but please, keep it short!). Show us you’ve done your research, and that you’re able to distill it into as few words as possible. If you’ve uncovered a fascinating fact or secured a killer source, now is the time to show off that knowledge.
- Is this a pitch best suited for our magazine? Review our Print Rubrics to see the kinds of articles we publish in ink on paper, and propose a section.
- Any tie-ins to social media, photography, video, etc.? Do you have professional photos to accompany the story? Do you have a huge following on Insta or Twitter? Let us know.
Following Up:
- Please allow two weeks’ review time prior to sending a second email.
- Our editors receive hundreds of pitches each week. Though we aim to respond to everyone, unfortunately we cannot. If you have followed up and more than one month has passed, it’s safe to assume we are not interested.
Our Values:
- We continually strive to be more inclusive. BIPOC and LGBTQ+ voices to the front!
- We do not confirm assignments ahead of comped meals or press trips. Please pitch us upon your return.
- We root for the underdog. If you’re pitching a big-name chef or food brand with a massive following, the barrier to entry is higher, so be sure the angle is especially compelling.
Contact Us:
- Recipes and features: Benjamin Kemper,; Alex Testere,
- Photo- and art-driven pitches: Thomas Payne,
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