Meet the SAVEUR Blog Awards Finalists: Our 6 Favorite Food Photographers
Here are the blogs with images that stop us in our tracks
The SAVEUR Blog Awards are here, and from a pool of tens of thousands of reader nominations we've selected 66 finalists in 11 categories. Now it's your turn to vote for a winner. Cast your ballot here early and often; you can vote as many times as you like by September 12th. Today: meet the finalists for our Best Photography category.
It's easy to take a photo of food. It's not easy to take a spectacular photo of everything you eat and cook. These six bloggers consistently take stunning photographs of what they're baking, cooking, and growing, and they inspire us to try new recipes as often as we can.
The Blog: Bea's cookbook is a warm creative space, filled with the smell of mum's freshly baked apple pie. There's plenty of sweet cinnamon, hints of vanilla, and buttery pastry around here. The blog's mission is not only to share recipes that feed the soul and the good food that you can make memories with, it is also to supercharge your inspiration, feed your creativity, and spark heart-to-heart conversations (over a cup of tea!) about the art of food photography and running your own creative business.
The Blogger: Bea Lubas is a Polish-born, England-based award-winning food photographer. As she felt that there was something missing in her life, at the age of 20, Bea gave up her job at a local bakery, bought a one way ticket to England, and set off for an adventure of her lifetime. Nothing, as you guessed, happened overnight, but somewhere along the way she bought a camera, and that was a turning point. She now creates food stories for clients from all over the world and shares her passion on her blog, often assisted by her sweet little dog, Daisy.
The Blog: "Historias del Ciervo" (Deer's stories in English) was born in 2015 with the idea of mixing different areas of visual art and home baking. This blog has a completely global vision, accessible to anyone and anywhere, thanks to the use of enchanting visual narratives with the final purpose of teaching, transcending, and innovating.
The Blogger: Julián Ángel is 33 years old and was born in Colombia. He is always searching inspiration from anywhere based on his experience as a visual designer, social media manager, photographer and product designer. Actually, Julián spends more of his time traveling around the world hosting Cake Decorating Workshops and creating recipes for his blog Historias Del Ciervo.
The Blog: The aim of The Little Plantation is and always has been to make people happy, to bring people together, and to show everyone that plant-based food can be pretty freakin' sexy! That Kimberly Espinel's little blog would allow her to find the people she can connect with the most and bring her as much happiness as it has was an unexpected, lovely side effect; it has made waking up each and every day to develop recipes, hone her photography skills, and develop her food writing that little bit extra special.
The Blogger: Kimberly lives in cool and cosmopolitan London, England, where she works as a food photographer, photography teacher, and prop stylist. Kimberly spends most of her days nurturing her students' passionate for food photography and styling and can often be found forcing the man and feisty 8-year-old in her life to be the best hand models ever. Wanna be her best friend? Then make her some vegan black bean stew with rice and she'll be yours forever.
The Blog: Look Cook is a new blog that features bank account-friendly recipes (cocktails included), curated products, and a glossary that covers any ingredients and techniques that may be unclear. The recipes are designed to be easy to throw together, serve 2 people, and feature price breakdowns + pretty photos. The goal was to create a beautiful, user-friendly website for people who love to cook, never cook, or only kinda cook—with accessible recipes designed to go from internet to plate in just a few steps.
The Blogger: Melanie Chernock is a designer, art director, and photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. After 5 years of freelancing she co-founded Masonry, a Branding + Animation studio with her boyfriend. They work with clients ranging from startups to world renowned companies out of their brownstone. In late 2017, Melanie launched Look Cook, a self-initiated and self-executed website that combines her background in design with her love of cooking. When not working and not cooking, she is probably on a lake somewhere in Upstate New York.
The Blog: Karlee believes food is love in practice and that there isn't much that can't be solved over a gooey chocolate chip cookie. Her recipes are meant to be whimsical and are heavily influenced by whatever she is craving at the moment. Karlee wants Olive and Artisan to be a safe place where her readers can let go of the heavy world around them. Let's look at pretty pictures of scones while we talk about things that make us laugh, lift us up, or remind us that we're not alone. Karlee's mission is simple: To change the world one knead at a time.
The Blogger: Karlee Flores loves food. Well, salted food, to be exact. After working through college as a line cook and spending her twenties on her home bakery, Karlee decided to take her love for salted food to the web and in the hands of algorithms. She hasn't looked back. Karlee currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband, Daniel and works on her little website, food photography business, and workshops full-time. On any given day you can find her overthinking, reading gossip columns, and jamming to Billy Joel.
The Blog: Silly World is a blog about the little things in life. Sonja believes that the little things matter most. It's about food and photography, gardening and seizing the day. It all started five years ago, blossoming from a hobby into a profession. Her greatest satisfaction lies in the knowledge that Silly World is the result of pure love and passion. Even today, after some great successes, challenges, and changes, it is led by the same devotion she felt then, all those years ago.
The Blogger: Sonja Lazukić is a food photographer by profession, and a passionate gourmet and blogger in her spare time. She lives in Novi Sad, Serbia. There Sonja works in her photography studio and grows an organic garden with her family. For Sonja, her kitchen and garden are places where she finds most of the inspiration for her work, and they are the reasons why she started her blog and began experimenting with food photography in the first place. Sonja has worked as a photographer and food stylist for many domestic and foreign brands, companies, restaurants, and magazines.
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