The SAVEUR Blog Awards are here, and from a pool of tens of thousands of reader nominations we've selected 72 finalists in 12 categories. Now it's your turn to vote for a winner. Cast your ballot here early and often; you can vote as many times as you like by September 6th. Today: meet the finalists for our Best Drinks Blog category, in their own words.

The Blog: GreatDrams is one man's mission to experience, share and inspire with everything great about whisky, whiskey, gin, beer and fine dining.
The Blogger: As well as a writer of stories and recommendations around luxury spirits and fine dining, Greg works to help demystify whisky as a brand consultant, an international spirits competition judge, presenter of drinks events and online videos, and host of bespoke tastings, as well as working with some of the biggest businesses in the industry to help educate their staff, and build programmes for how they speak about whisky and spirits to the end consumer in order to remove barriers to understanding and purchase.
The Blog: Arsenic-Lace is a cocktail blog written from a professional bartenders perspective on how to make world class drinks in the comfort of your own home. Dedicated to educating and inspiring readers on the use of fresh ingredients, high quality spirits, and focusing on classic, modern and tropical cocktails, drink history, technique and home entertaining. Bright, bold, and colorful photography is a cheerful reminder that it's always happy hour—especially when Piña Coladas are involved.
The Blogger: Natalie Jacob is a bartender and blogger based in the NYC area. She has been in the hospitality industry for 15 years and has worked in various classic cocktail focused bars, most notably PKNY and Dutch Kills. She runs her own beverage and creative consulting business along with writing for her own blog Arsenic-Lace. Her drinks have been featured in Imbibe Magazine, The Village Voice, Time Out New York, Business Insider, Edible Magazine, Beverage Media, Better Homes and Gardens, Wine Enthusiast and on Refinery 29. She also contributes recipes to A Beautiful Mess and Palm Springs Style.
The Blog: Cocktails of Copenhagen is a tribute to craft cocktails, trendsetting bars and creative bartenders. The blog features inspiring cocktails from the Nordic bar scene every week and offers a sneak peak into the creative thinking of Scandinavian bartenders with beautiful photos and intriguing recipes. The bartenders of Copenhagen are purveyors of holistic hospitality experiences as much as beverages, and we try our best to honour that by presenting all original cocktails in their proper context (from ideation to presentation), as well as by featuring bars and bartenders on our site, alongside the cocktails themselves.
The Bloggers: Cocktails of Copenhagen is run on a voluntary basis by inebriated amateurs and self-acclaimed aficionados. Our ranks are mostly filled with old friends, with the occasional addition of fresh recruits with actual talent. While we remain a rag-tag band, all make a point of drawing on the other's greatest strengths – the photographer photographs, the writer writes, the bartender tends, everyone drinks. If you are nursing a secret dream of becoming a semi-unprofessional cocktail blogger or just love hanging out with insufferable know-it-all's, our door is always open – till then, hope to see you on cocktailsofcopenhagen.dk.
The Blog: Drinking with Chickens is what happens when a DIY drinks enthusiast has a couple of stiff, homegrown margaritas and decides that the only thing her little urban cocktail garden is missing is a few plucky hens to churn out some organic eggs for her gin fizzes (WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG). Amidst seasonal, garden to glass cocktail recipes and near-constant poultry shenanigans, Drinking with Chickens is about living your very best, at-home happy hour life. Sometimes it's just you, your freshly-made beverage, and your chickens (or dogs, or betta fish). You do you, Boo.
The Blogger: When she's not replanting the things that her jerk chickens have dug up in the garden, or taste-testing cocktail concoctions (for science), Kate Richards can mainly be found writing and arting. Any free time beyond that is spent being smothered by the never-ending renovation list at her 100-year-old city farmhouse, while simultaneously questioning all of her life choices.
The Blog: Apartment Bartender is a drink blog dedicated to creative cocktail recipes, home bartending how to's, and the lifestyle that goes with it. Think of the Apartment Bartender blog as your neighborhood bar where you can always find a quality drink, great conversation, and a good laugh.
The Blogger: Elliott Clark is the founder and CHBO (Chief Home Bartending Officer) of Apartment Bartender. He's a cocktail enthusiast at heart with a passion for making drinks at home more approachable.
The Blog: Garden Cocktails is the decidedly unprofessional tinkerings of an urban balcony gardener who loves making drinks with herbs, flowers, and botanical things. It features home bartending explorations ranging from things like how to make pickles out of foraged daylilies, to how to make handmade tiki mugs in pottery class, and most importantly-- how to make fresh and delicious cocktails in a New York City kitchen the size of a bathroom.
The Blogger: Stacie Grissom moved to NYC from Indiana back in 2012 and one of her favorite activities in the city quickly became visiting the innovative bars that have come to define New York's reigning spot in cocktail history and culture. Because all those tinkly evenings in dark speakeasies don't come cheap, she started taking the DIY approach to booze by making cocktails in her kitchen. By day, Stacie works as the head of content at BarkBox with her dog, Pimm. By night, she enjoys making Pimm's Cups and drinking them on the balcony with the Pimm pup.

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