Just what are they, exactly? Cookie bits? Brittle? Nut clusters? Jacked up granola bars? Their website describes them as “‘free form’ unadulterated buttery nuggets,” but that’s a real mouthful and, let’s face it, all I care about is having some in my mouth at any given moment and not putting too fine a point on the nomenclature. The brainchild of Lisa Rast, a former competitive figure skater, these sweet, crunchy, outside-the-box confections span the spectrum from unusual-yet-tasty (take the green chile beer britty, a peanut brittle kicked up with New Mexican green chiles) to comforting-yet-tasty (like the cinna walnut oat). In this new world of sweets there even exists a subcategory of Nutwhats, “nutwhat scribbles,” which come drizzled in chocolate. Yum.
Nutwhats, $26.95 for a 1-lb. gift box containing up to four flavors at nutwhats.com
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