Weekend Reading: Fast Food Fashion, a Jellyfish Takeover, and More
What we’re reading, cooking, and clicking this week
• It's Fashion Week in New York. Usually the sight of all those skinny models makes me want to diet, but this year, Project Subway's Fashion Challenge [pictured] puts me seriously in the mood for a Veggie Delite. —Betsy Andrews
• Bluefin tuna, one of the most-sought-after fish in the sea, was not long ago considered "trash fish", fit only for canneries and cats. The Smithsonian explains how the world came to to covet bluefin—and the catastrophic consequences of that global appetite. —Karen Shimizu
• Ever eaten a jellyfish? That's one of the potential solutions named in this terrifying article from the New York Review of Books, which chronicles the problematic surge in jellyfish populations around the world. They're capsizing boats, harming the cooling systems of nuclear power plants, regenerating after death (!) and stinging the heck out of people all over the place—and our only recourse may be to follow the lead of China and Japan and develop an appetite for them. —Laura Sant
• Cooking has only recently become a "respectable" profession that people are choosing, rather than simply being born into; I loved this article in the New York Times about the next generation of cooks, many of whom were raised in kitchens but were discouraged from making it a career at first. The sons and daughters of food legends like Larry Forgione, Bradley Ogden, and Nancy Harmon Jenkins are having their turn in the kitchen—and shaping our palates. —Jung Choi
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