Mixstrology: Aries
Welcome to Mixstrology, SAVEUR's monthly series where astrologer/bartender Patricia Clark Hippolyte provides a cocktail prescription for each sign of the zodiac. This month: Aries.
Out of the darkness (Pisces) and into the light (Aries): Spring has sprung. I can smell an Aries from miles away—reeking of bold bravado and mischief, they're the archetypal confident badass...swoon! Craving excitement and want to be swept off your feet? Date an Aries. Never a spectator, always a participant, Aries grabs the world by the horns and takes it for a wild ride. Energetic with the impulse to initiate, there's no chance of Aries waiting for anything to fall in the proverbial lap—patience is not a virtue; shoot first and ask questions later. They'll find a perfect match in this cocktail—a refreshing, fruity drink that packs a wallop, with muddled berries and a hot, spicy kick from jalapeño and chile-infused bitters—just right for welcoming spring.
El Jefe
Jalapeño and chile-infused bitters add a spicy kick to a fruity cocktail made with muddled strawberries and blueberries.
As for the rest of the zodiac, try these sign-appropriate variations:

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I know you feel it: Saturn's working your hooves to nubs and Taurus doesn’t enjoy that. Jupiter and Venus are going to double up on you; be careful not to overdo it, which is easy to do as a “more is more” Taurus...balance, baby.

You’ve been on a roll with the transits and it's still happening with the happy addition of the sun. You, like Virgo, have no excuses to not be excelling in the work/money aspect of your life. These transits won't last forever, though, so keep making things happen. Sub vodka for the gin and omit the peppers.

Jupiter can be making things seem bigger than they really are, which can be a good or a bad thing—it's the planet of expansion, you know. But a chart is only a projection—we all know there's more than one way to skin a fox—and I’m here to tell you, there's more than one archetype with all this astrology stuff. Change your perspective and that should alleviate some of the tensions. Hang in there with coconut rum instead of gin, with muddled cilantro, lime, and a splash of ginger beer.

You should be feeling pretty good, as Venus and the sun are giving you a taste of spring and what's to come this summer. Work hard, play hard, right? Saturn's keeping you career focused and the sun and Venus are allowing for some much-needed playtime. Enjoy these days; they only come around once a year. To add an extra layer of spice, use a ½ oz. of Domaine de Canton ginger liqueur instead of the bitters.

I really hope you’re getting things done. I mean, like, moving mountains. You have two major players working for you, not against you: Saturn and Pluto. You’re the envy of the cardinal signs; they’d kill to be in your position. Work those transits with gin, cilantro, lime, agave nectar, and tonic.

With Mars retrograde in your sign, projects may slow down or be put on hold, which will also test your always-charming temperament. This too shall pass—in May, actually. Mellow the bite and make this an easy sipping libation by cutting the chiles in half and adding a splash of soda water.

At one time you were Mars-ruled, so enjoy the solar power of the sun; it should give you a needed break from the restrictive grind Saturn has had you in. Keep everything the same except sub out the gin for a nice añejo tequila.

Time to get things done! You have the Sun and Uranus giving you loads of action-oriented energy; get that project done, run that 5k, and still have time to go out and be the life of the party. Swap out the red chiles for a turn of freshly cracked black pepper.

There's a lot going on in your chart, with many things coming at you at once. Stay focused and try to deal with one thing at a time or you're likely not to accomplish much and that, my friend, goes against your very nature. Nix the peppers and substitute Aperol for the gin and simple syrup.

I know you’re impervious to feelings, but who can't help being affected, even if it's just a little, by the weight of Saturn. He's keeping you structured, responsible, and focused, and although you’re not unfamiliar with Saturn because you were once ruled by that crusty old curmudgeon, he can still be a buzzkill. Luckily, Venus is cruising by offering a good time, and I recommend you take her up on it. Cheers! For you, gin, muddled cucumber, cilantro, and lime.

This is a great time for all things creative, dreamy, and fantasy oriented. With Saturn giving you structure to take these ideas and make them a reality, do it. I'm sure you’ve barely returned from your birthday bender, so keep everything except the alcohol—there's nothing like a good cleanse.
Patricia Clark Hippolyte is a New York-based astrologer and bartender.
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