Weekend Reading: Food Cut in Half, Next’s Menu Trailer, and More
A look at what we’re reading, cooking, and clicking this week
I'm fascinated by these impossible-looking photos of food cut in half, a collaboration between photographer Beth Galton and food stylist Charlotte Omnes [pictured]. The article on Feature Shoot gives a clue as to how they achieved some of the surreal images (gelatin to firm up the liquid in the soup cans, for example), but for others I'm left to speculate (plexiglass for the iced coffee? Beth and Charlotte, don't leave us hanging!). —Laura Sant
A whimsical fashion spread from Copenhagen-based magazine Bitchslap pairs Danish designs with a variety of smørrebrød (the national open-faced sandwich) that complements each look. It's cool, it's fun, and I'm not sure whether it compels me more to go eat or go shopping. —Gabriella Gershenson
This sobering piece at Mother Jones shows just how far the US lags behind Europe in its regulation of dodgy agricultural practices. Tom Philpott identifies 7 "dodgy practices" permitted in the US that Europe has banned: from feeding arsenic-laced poultry litter to cows to plying pigs with stress-inducing hormones, it's an unappetizing list, but one well worth acquainting yourself with. —Karen Shimizu
Trust Rene Redzepi's Nordic Food Lab to successfully make eating bee larvae look sexy. The lab's head of culinary research & development Ben Reade explores cooking with insects for London's "Who's the Pest" festival, which celebrates insects through art and science. Watch as tasters bug out (in a good way) over dishes like Wax Larvae Mousse, Beeswax Ice Cream, and Chimpstick with Ants. —Anna Perling
Another use for spaghetti you may not have been aware of: transforming irritating duck-face selfie poses into (significantly less irritating) Lady and the Tramp-style pasta dinners. —Camille Bromley
I came across this adorable video by Madeline Sharafian this week in which a man attempts to make a meal for himself after a long and exhausting day while his little dog works hard to save him from culinary disaster. Now I can't stop wondering where I too can get a dog who cooks for me! —Felicia Campbell
I just may have watched the trailer for the new vegan menu at Chicago's ever-changing restaurant Next a half-dozen times. It just may be my favorite restaurant video ever. Watch it yourself, below. —Helen Rosner
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