Meet the 2013 BFBA Winners: Thug Kitchen
Category Won: Best New Blog
Blog: Thug Kitchen
Geographic Location: Los Angeles
Running Since: August 2012
When and how did you become interested in cooking and recipe development? I taught myself to cook as a teenager because I love to eat. I had to eat at least three times a day anyway, so why not eat the most badass food possible while getting to brag how I made it? I got really into it. The more I learned about food, nutrition, and cooking the more that it became a creative outlet for me. It is the best hobby because you get to eat your creation after you are done f**king around in the kitchen.
What are a few of your favorite posts on your site? I am proud of all my posts but the tiny f**king tomatoes and the taco post are some of my favorites.
Where do you draw inspiration for your posts? I find inspiration in whatever produce is looking good at the market and try to make the f**king most of it on my plate. That way you are always eating different stuff and it's always at its peak. If you are always hungry like me then there is no shortage of shit to inspire you.
What blogs do you personally read, food or otherwise? Damn. I love the Internet and I get lost in the depths of Tumblr for hours. For food blogs some current favorites are Vegansaurus, the guys over at Hot Knives, and The Vegan Stoner who always puts up some nice shit with great graphics.
Are you excited to go to Las Vegas for the BFBA Awards? I am so f**king bummed that I can't make it but I will make sure and hold it down in LA while y'all live it up in Vegas.
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