Hot Doug’s, Chicago
Of all the hot dog joints in Chicago, none are as good, or as "out there," as Hot Doug's, a small corner shop on the city's Northwest Side that earns its self-declared title of "sausage superstore." While the owner, Doug Sohn, who always works the counter, makes a great Chicago-style dog, topped with the usual pickles, mustard, tomatoes, sport peppers, and celery salt, it's all the other creative combinations that make the place extraordinary. He changes his menu almost daily, to include specials like bacon sausage with creme fraiche, caramelized onions, and double-cream Brie; and chicken sausage with Sriracha mustard and sesame seaweed salad. The only thing that bothers me about Hot Doug's is the ever present line around the block, but then, I always make the time. —Carolyn Gordon, Chicago, Illinois
Hot Doug's
3324 North California, Chicago
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