Though the terms are often used interchangeably, what separates barbecuing from grilling is low, slow heat and smoke. While grilling requires contact between food and flame, barbecue relies on indirect cooking—putting distance between the coals and the meat, and allowing radiant heat to cook the meat inside a closed chamber. There are other factors to consider while making barbecue: what cut of meat to use; how to prepare it for cooking; how to tend to it during its hours in the smoke; which wood to use; what kind of vessel to cook it in. These are the elements of barbecue greatness, and the following galleries are your guide to success.
• A Guide to Classic Cuts of Meat for Barbecue
• Fat Equals Flavor
• Essential Barbecue Equipment
• Fuel and Flavor
• Eight Techniques of the Trade for Flawless Barbecue
• A Guide to Grills and Smokers**
• How to Barbecue in a Kettle Grill
• How to Barbecue in a Bullet Smoker
• How to Barbecue in a Camerons Stovetop Smoker
• How to Barbecue in a Gas Grill
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