Whisky Stones
It used to be that whisky lovers couldn't have it all. Our choices were either drinking our tipple neat, with the sad assurance that the drink would reach an unappealingly hand-warmed temperature after 10 minutes, or sipping on the rocks, in which melting ice would dilute our treasured spirit. Vermont Soapstone, one of the oldest soapstone manufacturers in the U.S., in partnership with the design company Teroforma, has solved all of our problems: Whisky Stones are tiny blocks of soapstone that you can freeze or chill and add to your whisky like ice. We use them in cocktails or non-alcoholic drinks at parties, or just to sweeten the temperature of an after-work nip.
Whisky Stones, $20.00 for a set of 9 at Teroforma.com
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