Cut & Collect Chopping Board
I've never been picky about my cutting boards—wood or plastic, flexible or stiff, I tend find them universally frustrating. Until recently, they primarily served as the center of a spiraling mess, an army of chopped food marching across the countertop, casualties tumbling in bits and pieces to the floor. But then I got the Cut & Collect, and it continues to astonish me that two fitted pieces of plastic have liberated my tiny kitchen from its countertop occupation. The superiorities of this cousin to the cutting board are so basic and obvious that it's almost embarrassing that it isn't more common. The board is seated on a drawer that can be pulled out to collect chopping overflow or refuse; slide it out entirely and the convenient lip on the drawer becomes an effortless mode of transfer, delivering your food from countertop to stovetop without a mess. No more onions sprinkled across the floor, and no more trips to the stove with chopped vegetables precariously balanced on my chef's knife.
Cut & Collect Chopping Board With Integrated Drawer, $25 at Joseph Joseph
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