Vermont Specialties
Our favorite products from this state range from terrific ales and ciders to creamy, full-flavored cheeses.
Vermont Sweetwater's Maple Seltzer
This mild soda, made with maple sap, delivers Vermont spirit with every sip.
Saxtons River Distillery's Sapling Vermont Maple Liqueur
A standout liqueur brewed with Grade-A maple syrup.
Eden Ice Cider Company's Vermont Ice Cider
Macintosh, Empire, and Russet apples are blended to make a cider that's both sweet and pleasantly acidic.
Otter Creek Brewing's Wolaver's IPA
This organic Indian Pale Ale is strong and spicy.
Trout River Brewing Company's Scottish Ale
Prepared from nine different malts, this traditional ale is slightly sweet, complex, and very smooth.
Long Trail Brewing Company's Double Bag Ale
An especially malty and full-bodied ale.
Long Trail Brewing Company's Imperial Porter (Brewmaster series exclusive)
The "Brewmaster Series" is a compilation of small-batch beers; the dark and complex Porter is one of the best and is excellent paired with blue cheese.
Rock Art Brewery's Vermonster
This barley wine, which contains a good quantity of hops and has a high alcohol content, is great with cheddar cheese.
Wood's Cider Mill's Boiled Cider
The family-run Wood's Cider Mill has been making boiled cider since 1882. With a texture similar to that of maple syrup's, boiled cider is fantastic with piping-hot pancakes.
Vermont Butter & Cheese Company's Coupole
Sprinkled with ash, this goats' milk cheese is both robust and mellow.
Vermont Butter & Cheese Company's Cultured Butter with Sea Salt Crystals
Higher in butterfat than most American butters, this European-style cultured butter is rich and flavorful.
Twig Farm's Goat Tomme
A raw goats' milk cheese that's aged for 80 days, the Goat Tomme is dense, mellow, and creamy on the tongue.
Vermont Shepherd's Sheep's Milk Cheese
Smooth and creamy, with a sweet, earthy flavor.
Dancing Cow Farmstead Cheese's Bourree
This washed-rind cheese has a bold flavor and a smoky finish.
Dancing Cow Farmstead Cheese's Sarabande
Made with raw cows' milk from a single milking, this cheese is buttery and pungent.
Cabot Creamery's Clothbound Cheddar Wheel
This is the ultimate aged cheddar: sharp, with toasty caramel notes and pockets of Parmesan-esque crunchiness.
Grafton Village Cheese Company's Clothbound Cave-Aged Cheddar
Aged for up to ten months, this English-style clothbound cheddar is earthy and complex.
Jasper Hill Farm's Bayley Hazen Blue
A raw-milk blue cheese with hints of hazelnuts and a subtle anise flavor.
Vermont Smoke & Cure's Meats
Mellow and dry-smoked pepperoni, uncured bacon, and German-style pork bratwurst—all are delicious.
Great Bakers: Bohemian Bread, Red Hen Baking Company, Gerard's Bread
These three bakeries are supplying superlative fresh bread to home and restaurant tables across the state: Bohemian Bread, Red Hen Baking Company, Gerard's Bread.
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