Links We Love: Sandwiches by State, Urban Potatoes, and More
A look at what we’re reading, cooking, and clicking this week.
• Just in case you wanted to turn over another part of your life to your cell phone, now there's a text-enabled espresso machine: text your coffee order to the Textpresso and it will make your coffee and even mark the foam with the last three digits of your phone number. Created by Zipwhip to showcase their cloud texting technology, there are so far no plans to market the Textpresso commercially, so for now you'll have to continue to talk to human beings in the morning. Food Republic
• Growing your own potatoes is surprisingly easy, even for urban gardeners with little space. Food52 shows you how in just a few weeks' time you can be feasting on new potatoes from your own balcony (or porch, or stoop, or fire escape...) Food52
• Once you've got your homegrown potatoes, don't throw out the peels! Gilt Taste has a remarkable collection of things you can do with those leftover potato peels besides compost them (pie shells, who knew?). Gilt Taste
• State flags, state birds, state flowers and now, state sandwiches: design student Kelly Pratt is twelve states into a collection of sandwiches to represent all fifty states. From pulled pork (North Carolina) to Italian beef (Illinois), Kelly researches each state's culture, chooses an iconic sandwich, and photographs the components from above. Stately Sandwiches
Cuisine "tres Brooklyn"—hip, informal, and innovative food that's popular with the younger generation—has begun to infiltrate the food culture of Paris, from American-run restaurants like Verjus to the newest import, the artisanal taco truck. The New York Times
• Infographics for your kitchen: food blog Chasing Delicious has collected some tips on using produce in-season, plus a few lovely graphic posters on what fruits and vegetables are in-season when. Chasing Delicious
• Last Thursday we hosted our Food Blog Awards party to honor the finalists and winners of this year's Best Food Blog Awards, and blogger Aube Giroux of Kitchen Vignettes made a lovely video of the evening's festivities.
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