Recipe Comix: Ginger Cocktails
"Draw us a recipe." That's the brief we sent to a dozen of our favorite comic artists earlier this year; each week this summer, we're thrilled to present what they sent back. They're fantastic, beautiful, hilarious, thoughtful, informative, and often all of the above — and they prove that a recipe doesn't just have to be words on paper. This week: Christopher Hastings of The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, an absurdist twist on the classic superhero format that centers on (you guessed it!) the adventures of a doctor who is also a ninja. Also, he has a pet velociraptor.
Here, Chris takes us on a wild, vaguely Nordic adventure that tests the limits of how much ginger you can pack into a cocktail party:
*Christopher Hastings is the author of The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, a comic available to read online at with trade collections from TopatoCo and Dark Horse. Hastings also wrote the Fear Itself: Deadpool miniseries, and has contributed illustrations to Machine of Death and You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News.
He lives in New York with his wife, Carly, and dog, Commissioner Gordon.*
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